
Showing posts from July, 2023

Embracing Change: A Journey of Personal Growth.

Introduction Life is an ever-changing journey, filled with ups and downs, challenges, and moments of joy. Change is an inevitable part of this voyage, and how we embrace it determines our growth as individuals. In this blog, we will explore the importance of embracing change and how it can lead us to new opportunities for personal development and fulfillment. **The Nature of Change** Change is a constant force in our lives. From the transition from childhood to adulthood, changes in career paths, relationships, and even the shifting seasons, we are continuously faced with new experiences and challenges. While change can be unsettling and uncomfortable, it is essential to recognize that it opens doors to growth and self-discovery. **Overcoming the Fear of the Unknown** Often, the fear of the unknown holds us back from fully embracing change. We tend to cling to the familiar and comfortable, even if it no longer serves us. However, staying stagnant can hinder our personal development and

When I cried for someone for the first time.

HELLO This is a incident of my life, which occurred recently in April. read this till the end, may you feel emotional, or not you have read it.  Let us begin..     wednesday, 26  April  2023 Today, I accidentally woke up early, at 8.30 am, because I heared a sound which I told yesterday, it was like " A boy who study for 16 hours, and this my child who don't study. The problem is not actually study the problem is to make me, an engineer. i will talk about this future.  Today, i cleaned up my room, actually it is not room, it is a highway, which lies between kitchen and bedroom. after all that work my lunch, I did at 12 pm. I started study. There is a thing, when i do other subjects, i feel bored, but I love to study physics.  Suddenly, today at 3.45 pm I was feeling sleepy, so I slept for 25 min, after waking up, I understand someone from Nanded who runs study class for NEET/ JEE exams suggest that to my father that there is no scope in physics And in field of scientist   he s

My Day on 1 Aug 2019

  Hello, Today in this blog i am going to share my one of the day of my 9th class and written in my dairy of 2019.  Let Us begin, THURSDAY, 1 AUG 2019   Today, my good morning starts at 6.30 Am which is my daily timing. But I was not as good it seems, because I was feeling lazy to woke up, so, I told my mother to hit me simply by hand. And my mother hit me with broom which was not expected by me, and I had to wake up anyhow. Then after dressing, bathing and other things, I went to tuition. After completing my tuition when I came back, and I saw that my sister had got two pimples on her nose, and my mother was doing experiment on her nose. But experiment got failed, and I and my sister went towards the bus stop, where our school bus picks up us. [My sister and I are in one school, she is in 8 th and I am in 9 th ] Today, in school our Marathi teacher said, Do what you want, instated of talking, so I started writing this dairy. When we had our library period, we noticed th

Lessons from 'The Psychology Of money'

Hello ,   I recently completed a book called ' The Psychology of money '  today in this blog, i am going to share a important lesson which is helpful, in this 21st century.  I think If i had not get that book, i would have wasted too much money.  Let Us Begin,  So, i will talk about lesson which is in chapter 8 ' Man in the car paradox. Here author Morgan Housel explains how we waste our wealth or money to show off which directly affect our wealth.  let understand from an example which is given in this book but in my words. Many people waste their money to show there richness.ex You need a car not much expensive average  car, but you saw expensive car of your relative or other, and that change your mind From Need To Show off .  Then you buy a very luxury car, you have money which you have  build on your hard work , intelligence etc.  Now you have beautiful expensive car, which you had buy by thinking that it will create respect for you . But, the things happens opposite of