
Showing posts from August, 2023

what I learnt from the book "The monk who sold his Ferrari"

  I recently completed the book, which is now transforming my life, from worse to very good, situation. I sought so many lessons from that book, and from that, today in this blog I'm gonna share 5 rituals, and another 5 in another blog, which you must follow through your entire life. And will teach you Rituals of Radiant living.  This book has a massive changed on anyone's mind,and behavior or on the current way of living. So I first suggest to read this book for more information.  Let US Begin,  1. Ritual of solitude This ritual says our daily schedule must includes mandatory period of peace. Just make our self 10 minutes alone in very quiet, and peaceful place.   2. Ritual of physicality This is based on our physical health. we should walk or run vigorously in nature. Do yoga or any kind of exercise, but do it. And Remember always we should have command on our breathing, like when you are not doing anything, then focused on your breathing, and practice deep breathing, which w