what I learnt from the book "The monk who sold his Ferrari"

 I recently completed the book, which is now transforming my life, from worse to very good, situation. I sought so many lessons from that book, and from that, today in this blog I'm gonna share 5 rituals, and another 5 in another blog, which you must follow through your entire life. And will teach you Rituals of Radiant living. 

This book has a massive changed on anyone's mind,and behavior or on the current way of living. So I first suggest to read this book for more information. 

Let US Begin, 

1. Ritual of solitude

This ritual says our daily schedule must includes mandatory period of peace. Just make our self 10 minutes alone in very quiet, and peaceful place. 

2. Ritual of physicality

This is based on our physical health. we should walk or run vigorously in nature. Do yoga or any kind of exercise, but do it. And Remember always we should have command on our breathing, like when you are not doing anything, then focused on your breathing, and practice deep breathing, which will increase your energy far more than you will expect. 

3. Ritual of live nourishment

In ritual it is not mandatory to follow, may be this will be to tough for many ones to follow it. This ritual don't allow us to eat junk food, non-veg food etc. this requires to eat to eat live green vegetables, beans Etc. 

4.Ritual of Abundant Knowledge

Always have thirst of knowledge, we must read useful, self-help, others experience from which we can spurred our self, like biographies. Read for at least 30 minutes daily, without any distraction. 

5.Ritual of personal reflection 

Personal reflection is nothing more than the habit of thinking about our thought's our self, our habits, It is like examining about our identity knowing more about what we are. spend our some time with not your friends, nor with girl friend, spend it with your soul. 

Examine what you done today, it has a negative or positive impact on your mind, find solution how you will reduce that negativity,work on it, and improve your mind with beautiful thoughts or with your Aim, or may be the great desire. 

These were the 5 rituals which  had discussed today, believe me these will change your life, your personality, your current knowledge and everything you are now. These Rituals, if you follow it, it will open a new door to your thinking mind. 

I am now reading "Think and Grow Rich" And i will share lessons from that as well. So remember to Save this site on your browser, OK. 


All post on this site are written, by myself

some information is based on my true life events. 

and some post are based on my reading. 

All is in my own words, So Do not copy. 


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