
Showing posts from December, 2023

Change your Life from the book" The Monk who sold his Ferrari"

In our last blog, we discussed about Some rituals of radiant living from the book "The Monk Who sold his Ferrari"  This book is life changing for me, in all ways and i highly recommend to all, Try to read this book once in a book.  As paulo coelho said " Some books are meant to be read" believe me this is one of them.  Back on topic, let us begin... 6 . Ritual of Early Awakening :- To Rise with sun and to start the day off well, never forget that it is the quality of the sleep that matter, not the quantity of sleep, that is important. Not only that, for better health never eat after 8 pm or max 8.30 . remember 10 min before sleep and 10 mins after sleep is important, we should avoid Angry debate, watching mobile, TV or any other mischievous things.  7.Ritual of Music :- Never forget the power of music. spend some time with soft classical music, instrumental music. rather than emotional, romantic songs.  8.Ritual of spoken word :- This is based on the repetition o

My story of how small things leads to destruction .

I recently experienced a deep wave of unconsciousness, It was very hard for me to escape that wave. Today in this blog i am gonna share my new fresh experienced about mind.  Let us begin...  So being a reader, I have idea of how our mind works. and i know what is good for our brain and all that, may it would be unbearable or congenial.  The day was Thursday 14 Dec 2023, for the first time I installed a game in my laptop, that was 'I AM ALIVE' , it was my first and new experienced to play game on laptop. And trust me it was really satisfying for mind.  This was the first step... Then on Saturday, I got installed GTA VICE CITY in my laptop. Now this was no more work of my myself that suddenly I had a thought, I ran for that,Of course not...  That day I Saw trailer of GTA VI, and watching that visuals I started to download GTA games in mobile, but in laptop it gets more congenial to play.  My laptop is not that much capable of playing games, it is 10 years old...Anyhow I got to kn