My story of how small things leads to destruction .

I recently experienced a deep wave of unconsciousness, It was very hard for me to escape that wave. Today in this blog i am gonna share my new fresh experienced about mind. 

Let us begin... 

So being a reader, I have idea of how our mind works. and i know what is good for our brain and all that, may it would be unbearable or congenial. 

The day was Thursday 14 Dec 2023, for the first time I installed a game in my laptop, that was 'I AM ALIVE' , it was my first and new experienced to play game on laptop. And trust me it was really satisfying for mind. 

This was the first step...

Then on Saturday, I got installed GTA VICE CITY in my laptop. Now this was no more work of my myself that suddenly I had a thought, I ran for that,Of course not... 

That day I Saw trailer of GTA VI, and watching that visuals I started to download GTA games in mobile, but in laptop it gets more congenial to play. 

My laptop is not that much capable of playing games, it is 10 years old...Anyhow I got to know that my laptop supports GTA vice city so, from that time I  lost control of my mind...

Then I ran for more realistic game and I got oblivion, but since our mind so weird that, I was ruining behind more and more best games.

And that day, I had files OF GTA 4, but that were not working, may you believe or not but i spent more than 7 hours behind that file on that day. 

But the output was nothing. And I was completely out of my mind. And then i got another friend, who had that game, and on Wednesday I had that, but for past two days, i was either playing vice city, or trying to install gta 4. 

You can assume my level of madness, by this following things..

I was not going to college. 

Two days i skipped my Lunch. 

I had done no studies.   

And no reading as well. 

Then, on Wed at 5.29 pm handwork of hours of extracting files, downloading files, etc. I was somehow able to play GTA 4.Till Saturday, 23-12-2023 By mistake 1 of file was deleted of GTA 4. It was a great misery for me. The way to play game, "I will have to reinstall that game" this was told by my friend.  

And that time, I just contemplated for sometime, that what I was doing, I have my papers in coming few days. I was totally indulged in gaming.  And taking back control of my mind, I Deleted all that games from my laptop. It was a moment of fruition for me. 

And, after deleting that games, I went for a walk, And I deeply contemplated  about my past days, And surprisingly I was not able to memorize what I did. At that moment I was just memorizing games, and all that things, of how I started playing .  

The dopamine which was releasing, while gaming was far more dangerous for me. Really I wasted my whole week. Now I am feeling sorry for that, 

"That should not be happened with a guy, who teaches life lessons", may you think like this, but it is a harsh reality, What i am going to convey to you is that how, destruction of our mind,starts with tiny things, and how surrounding affects our mind, in my case it started with a seed of trailer, but at the correct time, I was realize what I was doing. It was just by mistake that, freed my mind, by deleting that small file. 

But in your life, may it will happen or not (delete file by mistake), may you will never get time to think what you are doing. And even if you got time to think , may your surrounding will stop you, by giving more and more. 

So, this was my story of escaping matrix of game. 

Be aware of your surrounding....   


All post on this site are written, by myself

some information is based on my true life events. 

and some post are based on my reading. 

All is written in my own words, So Do not copy. 


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