
Showing posts from March, 2024

Mindset Of Today's Generation ?

  As In last blog we had discussed about Problem in today's generation, we covered a point Called Wrong attitude, and today we will start with the remaining which are :- 1. Mindset of being cool 2. Zero awareness 2.Mindset of being cool :- This is one of the main problem which I have encountered in various ways and at many places. In this generation people wants to be unique and wants to be different from the rest of world, but you might think them why it is the problem to be different, but the problem lies in the way, which they use for it.    One of the main point which describes these kinda people can be noticed in the way of talking, they won't talk simple. These people uses various bad words, harsh words, which target our family. abusive words are being used. And certainly I had also asked some of the students, "what makes them to talk like that, It feels cool, also congenial to them, they said "    Not only abusive words are making them cool, their discipline al

What is wrong with today's Generation... ?

    It's been 7 to 8 months for me while living in Hostel. And here I learned many behavioral things about students from this new era, also known as Gen Z people.   What inspired me to write this blog is nothing but the surrounding where I currently live. I am continuously observing the people around me, and I came up with the many forms of, or can say different kinds of students, or people.  So, by observing the crowd around me I came up with three main problem in this Generation. 1. WRONG ATTITUDE 2. MINDSET OF BEING COOL... 3. ZERO AWARENESS These are the main problem, observed by me, now let us discuss all these one by one in depth.  1. Wrong Attitude :- Wrong attitude is nothing more than kind of self centered person, which is governed by more self attitude. What I observed here is, these kind of people, usually no cares about respect of others. Sometimes they talk and argue with teachers harshly showing zero respect.  From what I have seen, is "when  someone disturb the