Mindset Of Today's Generation ?

As In last blog we had discussed about Problem in today's generation, we covered a point Called Wrong attitude, and today we will start with the remaining which are :-
1. Mindset of being cool
2. Zero awareness

2.Mindset of being cool :-This is one of the main problem which I have encountered in various ways and at many places. In this generation people wants to be unique and wants to be different from the rest of world, but you might think them why it is the problem to be different, but the problem lies in the way, which they use for it. 
One of the main point which describes these kinda people can be noticed in the way of talking, they won't talk simple. These people uses various bad words, harsh words, which target our family. abusive words are being used. And certainly I had also asked some of the students, "what makes them to talk like that, It feels cool, also congenial to them, they said " 
Not only abusive words are making them cool, their discipline also contributes in this mindset. They think cool dude means being on the all social media platforms, drink alcohol, smoke, all this things make them feel good and they usually over time make all this their creed. This is same for both the girls, and boys.
This is not the only condition, there are many more like, hookup culture, these cool dudes thinks being in relationship at this young, and small age makes them cool in school, and college. This cool guys not only stop there, they also objectives girls, comment badly etc. 

listen more, Eating dead food like burger, pizza, sandwich, vadapav, and all unhealthy food, makes them feel cool.
3. Zero awareness :- The third biggest problem which I observed in this generation is very common. 
The main thing which is affecting the productivity of this generation is wasting time, and being not aware to this, I called Zero awareness. 
The Young students are now much more active on social media platforms like Instagram, snap chat, Facebook and if other, I was also used to be addicted to poison in my 9th , 10th class, but when I stared reading, that changed a lot of things in my life, on of that is quitting Instagram, Facebook etc. 
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Social media is a poison which first kills time, then productivity, then creativity, then thinking, and then finally your success. This gen Z is not aware of that they thinks social media is free, but it cost more than money.
What I learnt in hostel, is students watches Instagram just after awaking and scrolls reels for more than an hour. Here what I saw, these guys have a screen time of avg 6 to 9 daily. 
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Now awareness is not applicable for time, it also applies for health, no one wants live a healthy life, as you may have heard about the young people getting heart attack and dying, they are eating too much amount of sugar and facing many health issues. 
Also, After asking many ones the question, "What is going in the world", the answer i got is , don't know, or how cares, They don't wants to know that the world is facing, not world, many of them don't even care to know about there own country. 

Rather than that there are many problem in this Generation, being a part of this gen Z, I feel bad about in which way the world is moving. 

This is all what I wanted to convey about this Generation.


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