What is wrong with today's Generation... ?
It's been 7 to 8 months for me while living in Hostel. And here I learned many behavioral things about students from this new era, also known as Gen Z people.
What inspired me to write this blog is nothing but the surroundings where I currently live. I am continuously observing the people around me, and I came up with the many forms of, or can say different kinds of students, or people.
So, by observing the crowd around me I came up with three main problems in this Generation.
These are the main problems, observed by me, now let us discuss all these one by one in depth.
1. Wrong Attitude:- Wrong attitude is nothing more than a kind of self-centered person, which is governed by a more self-attitude. What I observed here is that this kind of people, usually do not care about respect for others. Sometimes they talk and argue with teachers harshly showing zero respect.
From what I have seen, is "when someone disturbs the class, by passing comments or any other mischievous words, and then the teacher tells you to leave them while leaving your Roll no and Name is asked and then he or she just leaves the class in same self-centered attitude showing no respect to the teacher" and they are also impudent these are the first type of people.
This is just one example, there's a lot of it, I have seen this kind of people arguing in canteens badly with the chef,
Why this attitude is the problem?
As the tech is growing, the basic understanding of life in youth is decreasing, they think who Cares. iIfsomeone behaves with the wrong attitude in the class with the teacher's, they forget about the upcoming them, and they can cut their marks for that misbehavior. There is a law in the book 48Lawss ofPowerr,
" Never Outshine the Master " means who is superior or who has your future in their hands, never argue with them, never mess with them.
This is all about the first type of people, in the second blog we will discuss remainingonese, which are more important to be known.
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