We Are Failures ?

"We are born learners

Just the surrounding 

make us failures

By changing our Mindset "       

                               - Kartik c. Ghuge.                                      

This quote I  made when I was reading a book of Dr dweck 'Mindset' . This Quote Belongs to each an every person . This says when we are born we have a cleared mind that is of curiosity which make us to learn,to stand, walk, run and smallest things which we learn at small age,But That things seems very big problem to us, at that age just because we fall and hurt our self many times, But Since we have that curious power we overcome that and learn .

But the main problem Comes when we start to grow, surrounding people makes certain restrictions to us , like don't do that ,you can't play that you are small , you can't read that because you are not that much brighter to understand that, you are now small ,But they don't understand that these small restrictions make the child with negative mindset and got us failures in our life ,even a small assumptions can make a big difference in our life .

Whenever after he see that ,He/she Remembers that There parents or some other had told that they can't do that ,And They assume this to very long age because of there childhood Mindset.

So Always remember that we were always Curious And Learners from Since our childhood And We have To Developed our mindset This Way Only , Curious,learner and with a Growth mindset.

For more much Information keep learning with us and I will suggest you to read The book , 'mindset ' And You will get this in Brief And Many Other things which will be Very useful for your future.


All the Quotes are written by myself , And the knowledge that i share here ,some of it is based on my reading.Do not copy my Quote or content , in case of using my Quote my name should be provided.


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