
Mindset Of Today's Generation ?

  As In last blog we had discussed about Problem in today's generation, we covered a point Called Wrong attitude, and today we will start with the remaining which are :- 1. Mindset of being cool 2. Zero awareness 2.Mindset of being cool :- This is one of the main problem which I have encountered in various ways and at many places. In this generation people wants to be unique and wants to be different from the rest of world, but you might think them why it is the problem to be different, but the problem lies in the way, which they use for it.    One of the main point which describes these kinda people can be noticed in the way of talking, they won't talk simple. These people uses various bad words, harsh words, which target our family. abusive words are being used. And certainly I had also asked some of the students, "what makes them to talk like that, It feels cool, also congenial to them, they said "    Not only abusive words are making them cool, their discipline al

What is wrong with today's Generation... ?

    It's been 7 to 8 months for me while living in Hostel. And here I learned many behavioral things about students from this new era, also known as Gen Z people.   What inspired me to write this blog is nothing but the surrounding where I currently live. I am continuously observing the people around me, and I came up with the many forms of, or can say different kinds of students, or people.  So, by observing the crowd around me I came up with three main problem in this Generation. 1. WRONG ATTITUDE 2. MINDSET OF BEING COOL... 3. ZERO AWARENESS These are the main problem, observed by me, now let us discuss all these one by one in depth.  1. Wrong Attitude :- Wrong attitude is nothing more than kind of self centered person, which is governed by more self attitude. What I observed here is, these kind of people, usually no cares about respect of others. Sometimes they talk and argue with teachers harshly showing zero respect.  From what I have seen, is "when  someone disturb the

Change your Life from the book" The Monk who sold his Ferrari"

In our last blog, we discussed about Some rituals of radiant living from the book "The Monk Who sold his Ferrari"  This book is life changing for me, in all ways and i highly recommend to all, Try to read this book once in a book.  As paulo coelho said " Some books are meant to be read" believe me this is one of them.  Back on topic, let us begin... 6 . Ritual of Early Awakening :- To Rise with sun and to start the day off well, never forget that it is the quality of the sleep that matter, not the quantity of sleep, that is important. Not only that, for better health never eat after 8 pm or max 8.30 . remember 10 min before sleep and 10 mins after sleep is important, we should avoid Angry debate, watching mobile, TV or any other mischievous things.  7.Ritual of Music :- Never forget the power of music. spend some time with soft classical music, instrumental music. rather than emotional, romantic songs.  8.Ritual of spoken word :- This is based on the repetition o

My story of how small things leads to destruction .

I recently experienced a deep wave of unconsciousness, It was very hard for me to escape that wave. Today in this blog i am gonna share my new fresh experienced about mind.  Let us begin...  So being a reader, I have idea of how our mind works. and i know what is good for our brain and all that, may it would be unbearable or congenial.  The day was Thursday 14 Dec 2023, for the first time I installed a game in my laptop, that was 'I AM ALIVE' , it was my first and new experienced to play game on laptop. And trust me it was really satisfying for mind.  This was the first step... Then on Saturday, I got installed GTA VICE CITY in my laptop. Now this was no more work of my myself that suddenly I had a thought, I ran for that,Of course not...  That day I Saw trailer of GTA VI, and watching that visuals I started to download GTA games in mobile, but in laptop it gets more congenial to play.  My laptop is not that much capable of playing games, it is 10 years old...Anyhow I got to kn

what I learnt from the book "The monk who sold his Ferrari"

  I recently completed the book, which is now transforming my life, from worse to very good, situation. I sought so many lessons from that book, and from that, today in this blog I'm gonna share 5 rituals, and another 5 in another blog, which you must follow through your entire life. And will teach you Rituals of Radiant living.  This book has a massive changed on anyone's mind,and behavior or on the current way of living. So I first suggest to read this book for more information.  Let US Begin,  1. Ritual of solitude This ritual says our daily schedule must includes mandatory period of peace. Just make our self 10 minutes alone in very quiet, and peaceful place.   2. Ritual of physicality This is based on our physical health. we should walk or run vigorously in nature. Do yoga or any kind of exercise, but do it. And Remember always we should have command on our breathing, like when you are not doing anything, then focused on your breathing, and practice deep breathing, which w

Embracing Change: A Journey of Personal Growth.

Introduction Life is an ever-changing journey, filled with ups and downs, challenges, and moments of joy. Change is an inevitable part of this voyage, and how we embrace it determines our growth as individuals. In this blog, we will explore the importance of embracing change and how it can lead us to new opportunities for personal development and fulfillment. **The Nature of Change** Change is a constant force in our lives. From the transition from childhood to adulthood, changes in career paths, relationships, and even the shifting seasons, we are continuously faced with new experiences and challenges. While change can be unsettling and uncomfortable, it is essential to recognize that it opens doors to growth and self-discovery. **Overcoming the Fear of the Unknown** Often, the fear of the unknown holds us back from fully embracing change. We tend to cling to the familiar and comfortable, even if it no longer serves us. However, staying stagnant can hinder our personal development and

When I cried for someone for the first time.

HELLO This is a incident of my life, which occurred recently in April. read this till the end, may you feel emotional, or not you have read it.  Let us begin..     wednesday, 26  April  2023 Today, I accidentally woke up early, at 8.30 am, because I heared a sound which I told yesterday, it was like " A boy who study for 16 hours, and this my child who don't study. The problem is not actually study the problem is to make me, an engineer. i will talk about this future.  Today, i cleaned up my room, actually it is not room, it is a highway, which lies between kitchen and bedroom. after all that work my lunch, I did at 12 pm. I started study. There is a thing, when i do other subjects, i feel bored, but I love to study physics.  Suddenly, today at 3.45 pm I was feeling sleepy, so I slept for 25 min, after waking up, I understand someone from Nanded who runs study class for NEET/ JEE exams suggest that to my father that there is no scope in physics And in field of scientist   he s