
Showing posts from June, 2023

My First memory . Which I remember .

Hello , welcome to read, my beautiful first memory which i remember.  A am always curious about this topic 'first memory' I ask many once, about there first memory, It is a beautiful moment when we imagine our first memory.  Let Us begin, As we are talking about first memory,  it is hard to give a accurate date or  time of that moment. And I don't remember that , But i think i was about 4 to 5 years old.  My first memory remind of,  I am playing something by making a ring like structure with other kids. At that time, I was in playgroup class, where kids only play. My school was near the highway, Now I don't  know the name, But I know my grandfather used to come, daily for to pick me at home, By doing walk. My playgroup school was in our village that is Medshi.  So, I remember that, i was playing on the ground, and when I accidentally look outside, I saw my father, going on bike, that time, I run towards my father by breaking that ring and crying and screaming to go with

How was my 12th Board result ?

Today , in this blog, I will share my result day experience which was very different . I am writing this from my dairy  so it will be in present form of that day .[ Avoid my grammatical mistakes if there are any ]   let us begin . 25 May 2023-    Today was my Result, one of the most curious, fascinating, worst,danger  and the day of Truth . since i am in Mumbai, At morning,  I was with my sister in her college for taking admission of 12th for her. There was huge crowd of students forming row.After 2.30 hrs our work was done. When we were in the bus, At 2 pm I saw my result in the bus And that was one of the scariest moment of life. Because i got 64.17 % . This was worst i had got. I got stunned at that time and too many things were going in mind , I think , in fraction of seconds because of that stunning percentage, I saw my whole 12th and the moments in my imagination while seating on seat. And my legendary sister, instead of supporting my feelings, she make a call to father, and desc

We Are Failures ?

"We are born learners Just the surrounding  make us failures By changing our Mindset "                                        - Kartik c. Ghuge.                                       This quote I  made when I was reading a book of Dr dweck 'Mindset' . This Quote Belongs to each an every person . This says when we are born we have a cleared mind that is of curiosity which make us to learn,to stand, walk, run and smallest things which we learn at small age,But That things seems very big problem to us, at that age just because we fall and hurt our self many times, But Since we have that curious power we overcome that and learn . But the main problem Comes when we start to grow, surrounding people makes certain restrictions to us , like don't do that ,you can't play that you are small , you can't read that because you are not that much brighter to understand that, you are now small ,But they don't understand that these small restrictions make the child wit

How To Start Our Day ?

"A Great day starts with, a  common person, But with a Great thought "                                                    -kartik c. Ghuge This is a very useful and helpful quote written by me , for our day to day life . This means when we woke daily we have to start our day with good and great thoughts like I will do good things today like learn something new , I will not thought about anyone else bad at morning . Taking Good and great thoughts into Consideration for all day long Will make your simple , frustrating , disturbing day a very beautiful and a Great Day . Thank You , If You Like this Please leave a comment on it . Copyright All the Quotes are written by myself , And the knowledge that i share here ,some of it is based on my reading.Do not copy my Quote or content , in case of using my Quote my name should be provided.